Have you ever thought about why you can’t just choose the siding you want? Well, there’s plenty of reasons for that. Among them, weather plays a significant factor. This is because not all types of siding do particularly well in specific conditions.
Take, for example, vinyl, wood, and aluminum siding. Although they work pretty decently in normal conditions, they will not last as long in the extreme winter weather that Chicago experiences.
So then, what siding should you use instead? If you’re looking for an answer to that question, you’re right on track! Here are the best siding choices against the chilly cold of Chicago.
Best Siding to Use in Chicago
Winters in Chicago are beautiful. However, it can also get harsh, with temperatures dropping below zero degrees. And if you didn’t know, this can damage your home’s exterior siding, making it harder to stay warm in your house. This is the reason why it’s important to use one that’s built for the cold. Lucky for you, that’s what you’ll find right here. Without further delay, here are the top picks of siding to brave the Chicago winter.
Fiber Cement
Do you know what siding hardly contracts or expands in fluctuating temperatures? Yes, it’s none other than fiber cement. When installed properly, this siding is much less likely to break or crack from freeze/thaw cycles during winters in Chicago, thanks to its cold-resistant properties. It also works great against moisture and fire. And because its main component is cement, this siding will not rust, rot and is immune to termites. Moreover, maintenance only takes at least two checkups annually, and the paint usually lasts up to 15 years. When the upkeep is done right, fiber cement siding can remain strong for 50 years. As if that’s not enough, they can also give justice to how you want your home to look.
However, fiber cement does not come without a cost. Get your budgets ready as this siding is easily more expensive than other alternatives because it requires expert help and equipment for setting it up. You also have to follow the correct installation and maintenance procedures to ensure that the warranty stays valid. Beyond that, there’s really not much more to stress about.

Steel Siding
There are certainly plenty of siding options out there. But considering the freezing winters of Chicago, only a handful is up for recommendations in the area. Among the select few is steel siding. But what makes it an excellent choice in the snowy region? First off, its incredible weather resistance. They can withstand the elements, whether it be the blazing sun, strong winds, heavy rainstorms, hail, or snow. In addition, steel siding is quite effective and simple to insulate. So keeping cozy in the winter is no longer a problem. And, of course, better insulation comes with better energy efficiency, letting you save some money. What’s more, this siding only needs minimal maintenance and can last up to 50 years when installed properly.
But as they say, there’s nothing perfect in this world. Steel siding is costly, which may increase if you decide to add insulation, although the benefit is worth it. Another downside is that this siding does not do well in coastal areas as it may rust and corrode over time. They’re also prone to mold and mildew growth in shady and wet climates. But those can be addressed with periodic washing. Additionally, noise may be an issue during heavy rain and hail storms. However, the biggest concern is when steel siding gets damaged, whether by scuffs, scratches, or dents. Why? That’s because you can’t repair them and you’ll have to replace the broken section. Nevertheless, steel siding is a wise alternative in Chicago as long as you’re not in the coastal areas.

Mostly known for its durability and unique, stylish charm, brick is a siding that can retain its integrity and looks for a lifetime even in cold climates like Chicago. And because of its sturdiness, it takes little effort for maintenance. However, brick installation requires a skilled and experienced mason on top of the pricey siding material, making it undeniably expensive. This makes homeowners a bit hesitant about purchasing it. But here’s something to make you think again. One, it’s eco-friendly due to its components, clay and shale, being highly available in nature. Two, energy efficiency. Bricks are normally thick, so your home will stay warm in the winter and cool during summer, even more so if you add further insulation. Not to mention, fire, termites, and rotting got nothing to say with bricks. That goes for intense winds, hurricanes, and heavy snows, too. If you value peace and privacy, bricks can also help with that, owing to their soundproofing property. But that’s not the best part yet. With bricks as a siding, you’ll increase your home’s curb appeal and value, resulting in a good ROI.
However, there are also disadvantages to brick siding. What are they? Bricks are porous materials. Without proper masonry, moisture can easily penetrate, leading to mold and mildew growth. It’s also difficult to repoint mortar once it starts to wear. Then again, it often takes decades before the mortar breaks down if regularly maintained. Lastly, remodeling will prove to be a hassle as it’s hard to match the original bricks. It will generally cost more than other types of siding.

Final Thoughts
Chicago is a nice place to call home. But the winters there can be a problem to you, your home, and its exterior wall cladding. That’s why choosing an appropriate siding that provides good insulation and protection against cold weather is essential. Remember what you’ve read here as you go on about your decision on which siding to use.